It was the sensation that I had never felt before-being so deep under the sea. Went SNUBA (it was like scuba diving except that we didn’t carry our own tanks). Never been this deep under the water, 7m deep. It was surreal; felt that I was in a gigantic fish tank. It was so quiet and peaceful. There was no sound. The only sound I could here was my own breath. Funny how it could be so stormy and rough on the surface, yet, 21 feet under, it was another world, world of tranquility, which had nothing to do with the roars above. The first 5 minutes going down was rather nerve-racking for me, but once I experienced how it was suppose to feel, got used to the sound and pressure, I was relaxed and started my exploration of the underwater world. Friendly sea turtles, stingrays, colourful tropical fish…Now I know how people can be so hooked to diving.