Terra Nova

Sharou's Blog as a Globe Trotter

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ojalá que haya luz!

(dated July 14, 2007)

‘Ojalá que haya luz!’, my friend K-san prays for everyday when she arrives home from work, who is ‘living large’ in the second poorest country of this hemisphere, Nicaragua. Funny that you realize that simple things such as having lights and water can make you so happy when you find yourself in a place where what you worry about is not which job to go for, which pair of shoes to buy, or which restaurant for dinner; but rather if it is your turn to have ‘apagón’. Waking up as the sun rises and going to bed as the sun sets Simple, down-to-earth life, hard to find it in any ‘civilized’ world these days.


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