Terra Nova

Sharou's Blog as a Globe Trotter

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Icebar – having a bit of Sweden in the middle of Shanghai

(dated October 20, 2007)

Here it is. My first Absolut Icebar experience. The highlight – trafficked the absolut icebar menu out of the bar (of course, I was abolutly trashed) cuz the german (N) and the indian (A) were too chickened to take the action. Found this absolute red couch in the middle of a absolut dark alley while M and I were looking for a place to have a bowl of absolut noodles at 3am while some neighbours were playing some absolut majiang.

Extraño o familiar

(dated Oct 14, 2007)

Nice to have a friend visit. Nice to catch up with a familiar face in this 16 million people city. Funny that in this city, everything seems so familiar yet foreign to me. I talk like them, well, not quite, cuz the locals communicate with one another in Shanghai-nese (reminded me of BCN: international cosmopolitan with very local/small-town mentality). I look like them, yet I don't follow the latest fashion nor am I obsessed with 'whitening' beauty tips, let alone having the habit of 'gurgling & spitting'. Once again, I caught myself in a 'foreign homeland'. The only difference this time is that I am sorted, I am not confused about the 'superhero' questions anymore - I know what I am and I know who I am.

F1 Weekend

(dated Oct 7, 2007)

Found myself being the only fan of Hammy & MacLaren in the sea of Ferrari crowd. What a disappointment! My dear Hammy didn't claim the championship this time. Oh well, it made the game more interesting. Catch up in Brazil! Must say that the circuit was impressive, though it is in the middle of nowhere!