What is WAP Fetish?
Realized that I never blogged about work, or my internship in this case. Why is that? Basically there is no good material to blog about most of the time. However, I found my inspiration last night over the dinner table in a Brazilian restaurant.
While pigging out my life away over Brazilian bbq, I overheard the term ‘ULD fetish’. What a heck is that? It turned out JC, another intern in a related project just received a custom-made t-shirt as a farewell present from his PM. In the front of the t-shirt, there is a ULD* (model AMJ) with its dimension and capacity in the back of the shirt. This dude has a total ULD fetish, couldn’t stop discussing and debating with ppl with ULD at all time. ‘I know some other odder fetishes?’ My colleague ASH sitting beside me made the comment. ‘For example?’ I asked. ‘Well, cannot really tell you. If I tell you, I will have to kill you.’ Yeah, right. It turned out that the odd fetish he referred to was developed by him and some other colleagues hiding on the second floor. After going through a few working titles, it is now officially known as ‘WAP fetish’.
‘What does WAP stand for?’ I asked. ‘Wet ArmPit Fetish’, he finally confessed. I was rolling myself on the floor after he told me the history and development of WAP Fetish.
So apparently, WAP Fetish entails the following:

- constantly scouting for WAP’s
- some bored-out-of-their-minds consultants going to the washroom splashing themselves to get some fake WAP
Are we pathetic or what? Think that is what happened to one when you have no life as a consultant and stay out of touch with the ‘normal’ world for too long. You gradually develop some wacky fetish such as WAP. So any other secretive, odd fetish to share?
*ULDs: Unit Load Devices, are pallets and containers used to load luggage, freight, and mail on wide-body aircraft and specific narrow-body aircraft. They allow large quantities of cargo to be bundled into large units. (source: wikipedia)
P.s. Guess who else I saw last night at dinner? Keven Kuranyi, the striker for FC Schalker 04. He was with is family, having some nice family reunion dinner.