Terra Nova

Sharou's Blog as a Globe Trotter

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Wawa: Quichua vs. Chino

(Dated March 24, 2007)

40 hours, yup, that’s exactly how long it took me get to Quito, the 2800m above-the-sea-level capital of Ecuador. Alrighty fallen in love with the weather, dry (although it is now raining season) chilly yet pleasant. Perfect climate for me: day starts out 10 degree and reaches 22 degree in the middle of the day and then goes down to 10 degree in the evening. Was amazed when I learned from Ana that Wawa means baby in Quichua. Coincidentally, that is how baby is called is Mandarin as well. Who knows, maybe my theory has always been correct: “ Everything comes from China.” (“except for potato and maiz,” my nene would argue.)


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