Alegría! Me alegré!

Cirque du Soleil is in town! Couldn’t help being in awe of the visual effect, choreography, costume, and stage design of the show. Impresionante! The most amazing part was the live music band and vocal. I felt like a little kid again, craving for magic and the next trick from Mr. Clown. Holding my breath throughout the show for the acrobats though. Not to mention the two Chinese dolls were incredibly flexible in ‘molding’ their bodies in all kinds of shapes (I really thought they were dolls for a while, not human beings.) The darnest thing was that they were so strict about photos and cell phone (being a camwhore, i was not very happy about it) The staff immediately went over whenever they saw a glow in the dark. Had to pull my usual gig, i.e. pulling a chino by pretending ‘no hablo espanol’ to get them off my back ☺ lol…
p.s. Gracias mi nene por llevarme al gran espectáculo, me encanta!! Es el mejor regalo de valentín que he recibido! Me alegré!
De nada sexy nena! TQMx100pre!!!
El pana X
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