Do you still live in Barcelona?

Well, my classmate V teased me with the question at the party. Flew to London three times this week for some interviews. So what do I think of London? Very much stayed in the district of Canary Wharf the whole time—the newly developed financial district in East London where most of the investment banks moved their headquarters to. Not particularly fond of the place though—a bit too “industrial” and “posh” like for me, reminded me of Yaletown in Vancouver. Perhaps I am just too “alternative” for such a yuppie style. Nice view at night though.
The woman who interviewed me at DB was SCARY—in her 30’s, totally overweight, with no make-up on, you can tell she probably slept at the office last night (perhaps I am too harsh on this one ☺) Couldn’t help wondering the entire time during the interview “Do I really want to be like her in 6 years?” So she asked, “what will happen if you don’t become an i-banker?” “I could care less.” (the first thought came into my head) but of course I couldn’t say so. Ended up giving her some really flakey and stupid answer. Definitely learned a few important things about myself on the spot.
Went back to the Green Park just before I hopped on the plane. My favourite spot in London. And of course, stopped for some cornish pasties (apple and raspberry flavour ☺), thought it was probably one of the only reasons to come back here for. Another revelation, not a 22 year old anymore, flying doesn’t give me the kick as before, and when I landed in Barcelona on Monday night, I was so happy, sitting in the cab and counting down the minutes with the crazy urge to go “home”.
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