Terra Nova

Sharou's Blog as a Globe Trotter

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Schlager Party, Schweinefillet, and my very German weekend

Meant to write this entry a month ago but got distracted and totally let it slip. My end of march weekend turned out to be very aleman. Went to this German Schlager party organized by our rival school. So what is Schlager exactly? According to my vary patriotic german friend F (probably the only patriotic german I have ever known), it is completely cheesy—people wear outfits from the seventies and play super cheesy 70’s german music. I had a kick out of watching some german getting trashed and dressing ridiculous outfit.

Then my dear german patriot decided to show off some finest german cuisine for my roomie. Schweinefillet in Pilz-Weißwein-Rahm-sosse: pork in some creamy, yummy sauce. The coolest thing about the dinner was the electronic pepper grinder! So cool, one of the coolest invention I must say in the culinary world!! it even came with a light—it flashed when turning on the grinder ☺ Absolutely love it. A few glasses of wine after, we started our Spanish monopoly game—poor K, the first-time monopoly player turned out to have the most properties and was rubbed by all of us. A german dinner then became a spanish-speaking evening. Me gustaba! Sitting there, watching everyone laughing their heads out and having a good time—for me, that’s the perfect picture—good food plus good friends—what else can I ask for more?


At 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's sexy, an electric, flashing pepper grinder.


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