Juanes en Bonn!

Been wanting to go to his concert for 3 years now. Was first captivated by the song “ Fotographia” during my road trip to Mexico with Paco and N in the summer of 2003. Remembering going to every single store in Cancun trying to find his CD. Finally got to see him in live, and surprisingly in Bonn. Was totally going nuts and shaking my hips along with all his songs! Volverte a ver!!
Great show, great music, but for sure that he’s not a latino hip shaker (as my colleague described) since he really cannot dance!!
Felt really blessed to be in such a great city where so many things are going on! Guess what! Going to Robbie’s concert on August 8. Was a sold out show but I actually managed to buy his ticket via eBay.de (was switching the screens between Leo and eBay for hours trying to figure out all the german auction vocabs ☺
More photos on Flickr.
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