Comida Manabita

I will be due in less than a month, the “political family” decided to spend the new year’s eve in Manta since my papi managed to find this kick-ass all-inclusive package with a 5-star hotel.
I am so big now, cannot help comparing my belly with the local coconut. And my profile looks like the Grandpa in the Simpsons. It tires me out whatever I do and I cannot stop eating! I now weight 65kg, 13kg more than I normally weight. Almost certain that I could lose that weight in no time.
We had very high expectation of the “comida manabita”, expecting to have some really yummy seafood that we couldn’t get in Quito. Apparently the nicest restaurants are located in Malecon Murciélago, so that is our lunch destination. Funny enough, they are the exact same restaurant on Tomas Berlenga in Quito, only differs in prices, about 15% cheaper. So much for “Comida Manabita”. I suppose that is why “comida ecuatoriana” is never considered an important cuisine in the gastronomic world, but more of “national dishes.”
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