Terra Nova

Sharou's Blog as a Globe Trotter

Sunday, March 29, 2020


It is probably the weirdest feeling I have ever had out of all my past birthdays. Between the lockdown of the pandemic and the fact that the person who has always been the first one wishing me happy birthday every year (and posting the same old photo every year) is no longer around, I feel unsettled. 

Funny enough, the kids are the ones who have kept me sane, kept me moving, and kept routines going. Trading CuraƧao with backyard glamping, soccer scrimmage, board-game playing, home-cooking, and movie-nights, this is as good as it gets for a birthday girl, considering 3000+ people died today. 

The candles were blown with just one wish - that we all get through this safe and sound. Salud y Amor. 


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